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The Ransom

The Ransom was paid by Jesus giving himself to forgive Adam's sin. Here we discuss how this benefits all of us, and how God planned from the beginning to save the world.

God planned that man would need to experience and understand sin. For the past six thousand years mankind has been experiencing sin, and the effects that plague the entire world.

Jesus gave his life so that sin may be forgiven. Some accept that forgive now, but only a few. Mankind as a whole will educated on this subject in full during the Kingdom.

The Ransom

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Study Guide:

Here are some scriptures that discuss the ransom. Please read them and take a look at different translations, as well as the Hebrew and Greek texts.

The ransom is "a life for a life" - Jesus's perfect life paid for the sin that Adam made with his perfect life, and therefore excusing the human race for all of the sin that they inherited.

Romans 5:16-20

1 Corinthians 15:21-22

Jesus's Ransom paid the price for all mankind.

1 Timothy 2:6

1 John 2:2

That the world will not truly recognize these things until the next age, titled "The Kingdom". or "The Day of the Lord."


Jeremiah 31:34

Acts 17:31

2 Corinthians 5:19

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