The Rich Man and Lazarus
Jesus's parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus has been debated for a long time. Let's view this Bible passage in the right context to better understand the scriptures.

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Study Guide:
Here are some scriptures that discuss all mankind having a chance to be saved. Please read them and take a look at different translations, as well as the Hebrew and Greek texts.
Scriptures that help us to understand the meaning of the parable:
Matthew 15:21-28 - Jesus meets the Canaanite woman. Jesus refers to the Canaanites (or any Gentile) as "dogs" (:26), which she acknowledges and asks for a blessing anyway (:27), as ."crumbs that fall from the Master's table" - just as Jesus discusses in the scenario in Luke 16 with the Rich Man and Lazarus.
Scriptures that discuss the Jewish nation losing their favor for a time:
Matthew 21:18-19 (compare with Jeremiah 24:1-5; Hosea 9:10)
Matthew 21:33-39
Matthew 23:37-38
Romans 11:25-26
Hebrews 8:8-13
Scriptures discussing favor spreading to the Gentiles:
Matthew 12:20-21
Acts 10:4, 15, 28, 45
Acts 15:14 - God has called a group of Gentiles a people for His name.
Galatians 2:11-16
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